Toronto’s Bike Share Expansion Plan
David was the civic analytics lead for Toronto, Canada’s bikeshare expansion plan. He led the implementation of the spatial analysis that would inform the expansion of bike share to all wards within the City of Toronto. This spatial analysis spanned looking at existing operations, develop predictive models of demands (before and after pandemic), and examining the geography of planned infrastructure and underserved communities. The approach devised for the project looked to enable a scenario-oriented analysis that could examine the tradeoffs between different goals of the expansion. This included the development of indices intended to compare how the competing goals of serving high demand locations, first-last mile needs, future development, and high-need communities in socially vulnerable neighborhoods. As part of the analysis, David developed a scenario allocation tool that compared these different indices and generated station allocation scenarios based on the relative importance of different goals.
The plan included an analysis of pre-and-post pandemic bikeshare usage patterns and travel destinations across the city. Operations & Existing Conditions analysis by Grace Young.