Alameda Multimodal Arterial Plan

Alameda's Countywide Multimodal Arterial Plan seeks to better understand the existing and future role and function of the countywide arterial system and provide a framework for designing, prioritizing and implementing improvements in the context of the surrounding land use to address the needs of all modes on the county's arterial roadways. David worked as a GIS Lead and Planner as part of the Alameda Multimodal Arterial Plan and oversaw developing GIS analysis scripts that evaluated Alameda County’s arterials based a large array of multimodal performance measures and objectives. Along with the multimodal performance and objectives analysis, David worked as the development lead for a GIS Cross Sectional tool design to transform transportation objectives, priorities, and improvements into 3D cross-sections at scale across Alameda County’s arterials that received improvements.


National Micromobility Suitability Analysis


King County Metro Transit Mobility Framework