West Valley Active Transportation Plan (West Valley, UT)
David served as a GIS & Analytics Lead for a comprehensive active transportation plan, with an emphasis on implementation, for the second largest, and most diverse, city in the state of Utah – West Valley City. This planning process involved a robust public outreach component in both English and Spanish to gather feedback on the needs and opportunities within West Valley City. A part of this planning effort David developed a data-informed approach to determining locations with the greatest need for active transportation improvements based on project goals and regional priorities. This task culminated in the development of a web-based prioritization tool where the weights of different priorities could be changed so that stakeholders could see where different investments should be made depending on what they valued. It was also one of the first projects to leverage AI-derived data for sidewalk & crossing inventory data to better understand pedestrian connectivity.
Prioritization Map
Prioritization is often an important step to focus investments when resources are scarce. One of the final prioritization maps of the project are shown on the left.